Irreversible water-water heat pumps for indoor installation. Suitable for all applications (centralised residential, commercial, processing industry) that require hot water at high or very high temperature.
- Indoor installation
- Processed water temperature 80 °C
- R134a refrigerant
- Heating only
- Scroll compressor
- Plate exchanger
- Network operation
- Compatible with ModBus protocol
- Internet connection
WWB is a range of irreversible water-water heat pumps that produce high temperature water with a low or medium temperature source. They are designed for indoor installation, and are particularly suitable for all applications that require hot water at high or very high temperature (centralised residential, commercial, processing industry, etc …). With its wide operating range, it can be integrated with numerous applications and is a valid alternative to boilers and all conventional systems used to produce high temperature hot water since it also uses existing systems. WWB is fitted with very high efficient compressors, plate heat exchangers with reduced pressure drop, two independent cooling circuits that ensure the maximum reliability of the system and electrical panel, slide-out system with choice of opening side during configuration (right/left).