Home : Products : Hydronic Terminal Units : FCYI

Inverter packaged fan coil unit for duct installation

  • Cooling capacity: 0.80 ÷ 4.70 kW
  • Heating capacity: 0.90 ÷ 5.00 kW
  • Cooling and heating
  • Inverter centrifugal fan
  • Ducted installation
  • Network operation
  • Compatible with VMF system (Variable Multi Flow)
  • For two pipes plants
  • For four pipes plants

FCYI series, a monobloc duct type fan coil with inverter technology, heat and/or cool small and medium-sized environments for civil and commercial use. They were designed and built for flush horizontal installation in any type of 2/4 pipe system and in combination with any heat generator, also at low temperatures. Thanks to the availability of various versions and configurations, with a standard or oversized coil, it is easy to select the optimal solution for any requirement. Centrifugal fans are made in antistatic plastic material with aerofoil profile de-signed to achieve high airflows and pressures whilst at the same time producing low noise. Their characteristics permit energy savings compared to conventional fans. They are statically and dynamically balanced and directly coupled to the motor shaft.