Counter-current flow heat recovery unit with inverter motor
- Air flow rate: 200 ÷ 2300.00 m³/h
- Easy and quick installation
- Fans with EC inverter motor
- Versions with water coil or electric for the post-heating
- Inverter plug fan
The RPLI heat recovery units, for horizontal indoor installation allow the combination of maximum environmental comfort with a safe energy saving. The unit is fitted with a counter-current flow heat recovery unit with aluminium plates, plug fan radial fans with EC motors, aeraulic by-pass of the outside air fitted with inner damper with free-cooling as well as anti-freeze function with M5 (on the expelled air suction) and F7 class filters (on the external air intake), both according to EN779. The counter-current flow heat recovery unit allows an effective heat exchange between the expulsion air flow and fresh air that is pre-heated or pre-cooled, depending on the season, saving thus the energy that would otherwise be lost with the expelled exhaust air. They can be integrated in direct expansion and hydronic systems both in heating and cooling mode.