RPF is a static heat recovery unit with aluminium plates for horizontal or vertical indoor installation (or outdoor, using the TPRF accessory).
- Air flow rate: 790 ÷ 4250.00 m³/h
RPF is a heat recovery unit with a high-efficiency counter-current plate exchanger (certified by Eurovent) that can obtain yields greater than 90% (Standard UNI EN 308). The unit has plug fans (with a synchronous permanent magnets motor with electronic control) that respect ERP2015. It has an F7 filter on the delivery line and a G4 filter on the extracted air line, a bypass damper (free-cooling), and advanced electronic adjustment. The adjustment function uses an advanced logic that enables you to manage the integration systems (electric or water coils), the anti-freeze function, night cooling mode, the fire/smoke alarm, and various ventilation control modes. The machine can interface with the outside thanks to the following communication protocols: modbus RTU, modbus ethernet and profibus DP slave.