Home : Products : Heat Recovery Units : RePuro

Repuro is a high-efficiency static counter-current heat recovery unit for indoor installation.

  • Air flow rate: 100 ÷ 650.00 m³/h

Repuro is a heat recovery unit which uses a cross-flow counter-current heat exchanger to obtain efficiency levels higher than 90% (Standard UNI EN 308). The unit is fitted with centrifugal fans directly coupled with EC brushless electric motors that respect ERP 2015. The heat recovery unit has a G4 filter on the fresh air, a G2 filter on the expelled air, a bypass damper (free cooling) and a Plasmacluster ioniser filter. Sizes 100-170 can be installed on the ceiling or wall, while sizes 250-650 must be installed on the wall or floor. This product is designed as a “system”, so all the accessories of the distribution system are also available: distribution box, distribution channels (round, semi-oval, rectangular), terminals, etc.