Home : Products : Complementary : Management Control Systems : VMF

Variable Multi-Flow system of management and control for hydronic systems for air-conditioning, heating and domestic hot water production.

The VMF system allows the complete control of every hydronic system component, utilising the communication between the various components of the system itself. It manages performance whilst attaining the end user's request for comfort, reaching this goal as efficiently as possible with consequent energy savings. Adding the advantages of innovative control to the flexibility of a hydronic system, the result is an effective alternative to variable refrigerant flow systems (VRF). The VMF system is extremely flexible, even allowing various levels of control and management that can be developed at specific moments: control of a single fan coil, control of a multi-area, control of a network made up of several independent areas, control of a network of fan coils, heat pump, domestic hot water production, additional circulators and heat recovery unit management.