Home : Products : Air Handling Units : Air Conditioning Units : TS

TS is a duct-type AHU (air handling unit) for horizontal installation in false ceilings. It has a coil with 3-4 or 6 rows.

  • Cooling capacity: 4.85 ÷ 24.80 kW
  • Heating capacity: 9.80 ÷ 52.06 kW
  • Cooling and heating
  • Centrifugal fan
  • Ducted installation
  • For two pipes plants

TS is a compact fan coil unit suitable for horizontal installation in channels and false ceilings. The machine is fitted with a copper/aluminium coil of 3-4 or 6 rows, statically and dynamically balanced centrifugal fans with an impeller and metallic Archimedean screws, 3- or 5-speed electric motor (including 3 selectable speeds) with a running capacitor always engaged, and internal thermal protection. It has static pressure for any possible ducting, a wide choice of remote controls and accessories to meet various needs (G3 air filter, post-heating coils, suction plenum, mixing section, suction grille, delivery flanges with circular or rectangular outlets).